About Vittoria

About Vittoria di Carduci

I’m Magistra Vittoria di Carduci. I’m a seamstress that lives in An Tir. I specialize in Venetian Renaissance clothing, from 1490 to 1540. 

Vittoria’s Projects

Vittoria’s Research

100 Years of Venetian Patricians Women’s Clothing

Vittoria’s projects towards her 1530’s Venetian.

The Inspiration

First Steps

Construction of the Body Linen

Vittoria’s projects towards her 1510-1515 Venetian ensemble for her Laurel elevation.

Constructing a Floof Worthy of Doom

Vittoria’s 1490s Process… Step by Step

1490s – Pretty, Practical, & Infinitely Adaptable

Sculpting the Silhouette — A Duct Tape Double

Taming the Feral Duct Tape Pattern
The Very Guts of it!

Several Spools Later…

Fixing the Fit

Lining and Skinning