A Man with a Quilted Sleeve

A Man with a Quilted Sleeve

Titian – A Man with a Quilted Sleeve (c. 1509). National Gallery, London. Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsCreative Commons License Info This Titian portrait was painted around 1509.  It was previously believed to depict Ludovico Ariosto, but it is now...
Two Venetian Ladies

Two Venetian Ladies

Vittore Carpaccio, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Two Venetian Ladies was painted by Vittore Carpaccio, dating to approximately 1490.  It is currently housed at Museo Correr.   This painting is believed to be a quarter of the original work.  A second...
The Giving of the Ring

The Giving of the Ring

By Sailko – Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=89005929 Creative Commons License Info The Giving of the Ring or An Engagement was painted by Michele da Verona.  The painting is dated 1495-1500.  It is currently housed at Berlin,...